- Recreations
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- Rhythms of Storytelling
Rhythms of Storytelling
Many spiritual practices are rhythmic: simple, repetitive patterns that create a natural flow. When we practice rhythms in one form or another, they become familiar and easily integrated into daily living. Imagine practicing a rhythm of storytelling that can be easily modeled at church and at home — a simple, repetitive pattern that creates a natural flow of spiritual practice in daily living. In this workshop, participants are invited to experience familiar faith stories in a new way through rhythms of storytelling that echo the rhythms of worship: gather, (share) story, wonder, play, bless.
Lisa Kaufer has served in faith formation ministry with all ages for 20+ years in the greater Cincinnati area. In life and work and play, she feels called to nurture positive change through curiosity, creativity, and community. In 2020, with the medium of clay and an upcycled tool in the form of a disposable fork, a new chapter emerged: The Muddy Fork, a creative studio at the intersection of art, recreation, and faith formation (www.themuddyfork.org). She specializes in ceramic finger labyrinths, play-filled faith formation resources, and collaborative projects.